Stella Adelman

Stilt Dancer
A San Francisco native, Stella Adelman holds a B.A. in World Arts and Cultures from UCLA and a Masters in Education from Pace University. She lived in Havana, Cuba from 2001-2002, studying at La Universidad de la Habana and at El Instituto Superior del Arte, and then moved to New York to teach Middle School math in the South Bronx until 2005. Adelman is currently the Program Director at Dance Mission Theater in the Mission, an artist driven space dedicated to inclusiveness, fairness, and justice that creates, produces, presents, and teaches feminist and multicultural dance/theater. She also works with Carnaval San Francisco, producing the celebratory King and Queen competition. Adelman co-produced the CubaCaribe Festival of Dance and Music from 2007-2010 and continues to collaborate with CubaCaribe on events such CubaCamp.
As a performer and dancer, Adelman has had the honor of working with the legendary Rhodessa Jones and Krissy Keefer, and highly-celebrated Cuban, Haitian, and Brazilian companies, including Aguas da Bahia, Arenas Dance Company, Alayo Dance Company, Las Que Son Son, Rara Tou Limen, and Latin Dance Grooves, among others. She is excited to expand her dance repertoire on and off stilts with D.A.M.