Daring Arts Movement

Collective Healing in Motion


Try a whiskey category breathing exercise, which means we breathe slowly to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and help with rest and digestion. This is best to do in a safe environment before sleep.


Take a few minutes to get into your body in a gentle, restorative way.


Use this guided meditation to rest and restore the mind, body, and spirit. Make sure you are in a safe and relaxing environment. Practice "Whiskey Breathing" along with the audio by making your exhale twice as long as your inhale.


Take a few minutes to give yourself a massage with a few self myofascial trigger point release techniques using a ball. We recommend a tennis or lacrosse ball.

These videos were a Collaboration with Marwan of Good Viibes Massage.
Tip: If you don't need the breakdown every time jump ahead to 2:50 for the action!